Connecting to Sewers
Valley View Sewer District has various charges that are assessed prior to connecting to sewers. These charges are for Permits, General Facilities Charge, System Facilities Charge, and Treatment Capacity Charges.
Charges and Fees
Side Sewer Permit | Description | Fees |
Single Family Residence Side Sewer | Connection to the main line sewer. Includes two inspections | $ 100.00 |
Private Pump Systems | Connection to the main line sewer. Includes two inspections | $ 150.00 |
Capping | Disconnection from the main line sewer. Includes two inspections | $ 70.00 |
Multiple Family Residence Side Sewer | Connection to the main line sewer. Includes two inspections per building | $100.00 1st Dwelling $ 10.00 Ea Additional Unit |
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) | Connection to the main line sewer. Includes one inspection | $ 50.00 |
Repair | Work that is done on the side sewer after installation. Includes one inspection | $ 15.00 |
Commercial | Connection to the main line sewer. Includes two inspections | $0.05 per sq. ft of bldg. Minimum of $100.00 |
Additional Inspections | Work that is being done on the side sewer during installation | $ 50.00 Ea additional inspections |
R.O.W Permit Fees | ||
City of Burien | Right-of-Way | $ 450.00 * |
City of SeaTac | Right-of-Way | $ 350.00 * |
King County | Right-of-Way | $ 475.00 * |
City of Tukwila | Right-of-Way | $ 700.00 * |
Right-of-Way Permits allow digging in the road or shoulder area. Side Sewer Permit fees cover the cost of the District Inspector’s time for inspecting the connection to sewers.
* Right Of Way fees are upfront collections paid to the municipalities that issue those permits. These costs are not final, more charges will be collected if required on a situational basis.
General Facility Charge;
Single-family: $4,033.00
Multi-family (per dwelling unit) $3,226.00
Accessory dwelling unit (Per unit) $3,226.00
Non-residential (per number of ERU’s subject to minimum charge of $ 1008.00) $4,033.00/ERU
System Facility Charge;
Single-family (per linear foot of frontage,subject to minimum charge of: $8,100.00
Single family (with no frontage) $8,100.00
Multi-family (per linear foot of frontage,subject to minimum charge of: $8,100.00
Non-residential (per number of ERU’s subject to minimum charge of $2,025.00) $8,100.00/ERU
Additional Connection Charges
Depending on the specific lot in question, there may be a charge in lieu of assessment (CILOA), a temporary connection fee or a project specific connection charge.
Metro Capacity Charge
The Metro Capacity Charge covers the costs to keep treatment facilities working properly. If a customer is in the Metro/King County flow area Metro/King County will bill the customer for the charge.
Valley View Sewer District collects a similar charge for the Southwest Suburban Sewer District and the Midway Sewer District.
More about the Metro Capacity Charge
Southwest Suburban Sewer District Charges
- Single Family Residential $5,252.00
- Multi-Family Residential $4,202.00
- Commercial (by water meter size) Minimum (5/8 inch – 3/4 inch) $5,252.00
Midway Sewer District Charges
- Single Family Residential $5,000.00
- Multi-Family Residential $4,000.00